Oral Presentation Australian and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2023

End of Life Care in Frailty (#4)

William Lukin 1 , Stacey Naughton 1
  1. Queensland Health, Indooroopilly, QLD, Australia

The provision of end-of-life care specifically for the frail elderly, including in Residential Aged Care is different to that for the more easily recognised palliative care population. It is not well taught in Palliative Care Training because of the paucity of Specialist Palliative Care Services reaching into Residential Aged Care Facilities. The symptomatology of dying in the frail and cognitively impaired is not as acute as typical inpatient specialist palliative care, but patient, family, and staff distress and suffering is just as significant.

In this breakfast session, the presenters will discuss aspects of acute dying in the frail and cognitively impaired using real examples from their clinical practice. Some of the practical realities of providing that care in Residential Aged Care Facilities will be explored.

There will be a case-based discussion of the complexities of providing palliative care to patients with Motor Neurone Disease in Residential Aged Care including a discussion of the impact of Motor Neurone Disease associated Cognitive Impairment.

If time permits there will be a general discussion about the interface between Palliative Care and Voluntary Assisted Dying.