Aims: NSW Health is developing the VBHC for Older People in the Community initiative to support a consistent and coordinated approach to healthcare for older people. The Case for Change is the first step of the reform and investment cycle, identifying key challenges and potential opportunities to enhance experiences and outcomes across the spectrum of care.
Methods: Analysis covered the four dimensions of VBHC: experiences of receiving care, experiences of providing care, outcomes that matter to patients, and effectiveness and efficiency.
Quantitative descriptive analyses of public hospital and community-based healthcare utilisation were combined with qualitative analyses of patient and clinician experiences. Further qualitative evidence was gathered through focus groups and at a workshop where clinicians, consumer representatives and representatives from the NSW Ministry of Health and Local Health Districts were invited to discuss preliminary findings.
Results (see attachment for key findings and opportunities): Quantitative analysis found significant opportunity to enhance outcomes from patient, clinician and system perspectives. Key challenges were identified, particularly around care of older people with complex health needs, residential aged care residents, and avoiding potentially preventable hospitalisations through better access to community-based care. Reform opportunities were identified in these areas, and potential other areas identified at the workshop include workforce reform, virtual care, and clinical and administrative data.
Conclusions: This work has identified potential opportunities to improve the outcomes and experiences of older people receiving healthcare in NSW. These opportunities will inform the solution design phase of the NSW Health Older People in the Community state-wide initiative.