Diana Conrad Australian and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2023

Diana Conrad

Dr Diana Conrad attended medical school at the University of Qld and graduated with first class honours and University medal. She undertook general training at RBWH, then Ophthalmology training in Qld. She completed a Uveitis Fellowship at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London and a Uveitis Fellowship at the Proctor Foundation at the University of California in San Francisco. She is currently the director of the Uveitis Service at the RBWH - the only specialty uveitis service in Qld. She is deputy director of Ophthalmology at RBWH, and in private practice at the Wesley Hospital. She is an examiner in Ophthalmology for RANZCO, and a director on the board of RANZCO. Outside of Ophthalmology she enjoys trudging through wilderness on multiday hikes, and singing in the Queensland Medical Choir. She has 3 sons - none of whom are in jail.

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